It’s free for completing scientific computing work. For the conventional numerical calculation, calculation formulas and expressions, with complex variable calculation.The formula can be used in some digital and conventional symbols, Chinese characters function, trigonometric functions, variables, formula formula symbols.We use fuzzy intelligent technology,aimming to automatically determine the meaning of the statement, all kinds of fuzzy conversion symbols, in order to achieve high precision intelligent computing. Can use the mouse or keyboard to input, click the button on the screen to input numbers and symbols.Click [=]button to output the operation result.The output can accurate to 28 digits.After many complicated calculation,the result may be truncated.The commonly used formula can be saved to the file to facilitate the call,such as: 2*5%+4/Sin(Y) -(Lg3*X-3)^0.4+7!*43/Sec25. Click [Delete] button can auto-save effective formula.Click [Up] and [Down]button to test calculation.