Calibre is an e-book library manager. It can view, convert and catalog e-books in most of the major e-book formats. It can also talk to many e-book reader devices. It can go out to the Internet and fetch metadata for your books. It can download newspapers and convert them into e-books for convenient reading. The app provides a collection of sixteen tutorial courses to help you get the most out of Calibre. 1 The Graphical User Interface 2 Adding your favorite news website 3 The E-book viewer 4 E-book conversion 5 Editing e-books 6 The calibre Content server 7 Comparing e-books 8 Editing e-book metadata 9 Frequently Asked Questions 10 Tutorials 11 The calibre:// URL scheme 12 Customizing calibre 13 Command Line Interface 14 Setting up a calibre development environment 15 Digital Rights Management (DRM) 16 Glossary