The Search In All application search and optionally replace text in a group of files of the same type existing at different locations on a local computer hard drive and/or any removable storage device simultaneously.
Typical text finding/searching task involves operations like opening a file, using Ctrl + F key combination, entering text and then clicking Next button or pressing Enter key only to know whether the file contains the text.
What if this task needs to perform on hundreds of files of the same type at different locations?
And what if a word or phrase needs to be replaced in a group of files of the same type existing at different locations?
The solution is the Search In All application. This application search/find and optionally replace text in a group of files of the same type existing at different locations on a local computer hard drive and/or removable storage device simultaneously.
The Search In All application currently supports Text (.txt) and CSV (Comma-Separated Values (.csv)) files text search/find and replace operations.