RPN Scientific 2023 is the latest in a series of scientific Reverse Polish Notation (RPN) calculators based on the venerable Hewlett Packard 10C scientific calculator. It is free, does not contain any adds, and does not collect any information about you or your device. It performs most of the 10C’s math functions but does not include the ability to be programmed. Users are assumed to be familiar with using RPN calculators. The size of the calculator display is fully adjustable. The results text can be copied to the clipboard. Pasting is also supported.
RPN Scientific 2023 has a 25-level stack and supports ten store and recall memory locations. Values are stored between sessions. It supports fixed, scientific, general, engineering, and currency formats. The number of decimal places and/or significant figures displayed is set by the user in a popup window accessed via the menu icon on the upper left. The calculator has a “tape” that records each calculation. If the display is too narrow, the tape is not visible, but can be seen in a popup window selected with the menu icon. The tape can be copied and cleared; the font size can be adjusted.
The app responds to touch, mouse, and keyboard inputs. Key codes are generally intuitive. They are listed on the “About” page, which is accessed by using the menu icon.
In the Microsoft Store, under “Additional information” it states that “this app can Uses (sic) all system resources”. The store cannot tell which resources the app uses so it defaults to “can uses (sic) all system resources”. It actually does not use any of them. This can be demonstrated by going to Settings>Privacy & security>App permissions. Select a type of permission, such as Location or Contacts, and see that RPN Scientific 2023 is not included among apps that have permission to access your location or contacts. The same result is found for any of the App permissions.