- Quickly connect to your RocketMQ cluster and start working: RocketMQ Assistant supports ACL authentication and supports TLS connections; Supports RocketMQ 4.x, 5.0 - View your RocketMQ health metrics in real time: View the broker runtime configuration with support for server, producer, consumer metrics metrics in Prometheus format - Support rich data formats: RocketMQ Assistant automatically recognizes and formats different data formats, including Text, JSON, XML, YAML, HEX, MessagePack, and various integer and floating-point types - Quickly view and publish messages: you can start consuming and filtering messages from the very beginning of the topic, specify a timestamp or specify an offset; Publish messages with data templates that send thousands of messages at once for performance testing to see how the system handles the load - Real-time view of topic messages: With RocketMQ Assistant, you can quickly view and update topic configurations; Manage consumer groups, reset offsets, or view topics and partitions to which they subscribe - View consumer groups: view the topics and queues subscribed to by each consumer in the group, as well as the current consumption location and latency; Supports skipping message stacking and resetting offsets based on timestamps - Message Trajectory: Track messages according to message ID or message Key to understand the detailed process of messages from production, storage to consumption