Nibiru Desktop allow to create a personal desktop for all users of Windows with a new customization of your Desktop with more amazing functionalities and very fun applications for all the family. The solution allow to create personal desktop for all your family and your friends. Very Simple, Quick and Intuitive, the solution offer more smart functionalities : you will very surprised by his rapidity ! Discover a new Vision of your PC with a new Desktop! GenuiSoft provide a new generation of Virtual Desktop Manager, you can create with Nibiru Desktop, an infinity of Virtual Desktop for all your family with the Multi Virtual Desktop Manager functionalities for Windows. The suite of solution contains more functionalities and applications for all, Like a Music Player customized, a Mix DJ Player, note application, Sketch Draw for your Kids, or Rss Reader's application for reading the news, a custom calculator. All your Multi Virtual Desktop can be configured with sound and graphical animations. Discover a new experience of your Windows more easy , smart and fun. Very Quick and Fun, you Will be very surprise by the performance of this Solution. WIth a new generation of Virtual Multi Desktop Manager for Windows Try a new user experience without buy a computer very expensive! Discover the Virtualization Desktop next generation with the new system of Virtual Desktop Manager.