Money Wallet - is a simple, useful and intuitive personal finance assistant with online synchronization between several devices. The application combines all your accounts in one place, monitors budgets and always reminds you about scheduled transactions. Features: * list of accounts of different types (Cash, Bank account, Credit cards and others) with customizable icons * groups of accounts * list of transactions * splits in transactions * sync between several devices * hierarchical editable category list * multi currencies and currency rate history with ability to update it from Internet * transfer between accounts with different currencies with currency conversation * scheduled transactions * a reminder of the scheduled transactions * weekly, monthly and yearly budgets * reports system with many different filter types * fully support of QIF-format (import/export) and export to CSV * database backup/restore * support for Microsoft SkyDrive and DropBox cloud services * credit calculator * displaying summary info on application tile * password protection
Trial-mode limitations: - no more 3 accounts - no more 1 group - no more 3 scheduled transactions - no more 3 budgets - no more 1 custom report per each report type
User guide: