Tired of lame-axe games? Get ready for MAX AXE! Throw axes with your finger to slay foul beasts, collect REDONKULOUS treasure and score BILLIONS of points to outrank your friends!
Max Axe blends 100% pure arcade frenzy with humor, crazy combos, and absolutely bonkers high-speed action like nothing you've ever seen before. Take on the role of Max, a Viking barbarian berserker on a quest for total destruction, massive loot and of course, princesses!
#1 Action game in almost 100 countries!
5/5 “Fun, witty, and addictive!” 5/5 “This game is freaking nuts!” 5/5 “Max Axe is the BOMB!” 5/5 “MAXimum fun, AXE-tastic!”
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Due to Max’s AWESOME graphics, the visual experience is reduced on single core devices