Use this productivity app for Windows, to convert a paragraph of text into an easier to read list. Highlight text in the list automatically as content is cycled through either with mouse cursor or keyboard arrows.
Features: Dedicated Text page for text data. Dedicated List page for List data. Adjustable Split Types - Carriage Return, Period + Space, or Both. Adjustable Font Size. Copy List text to clipboard function via right-click. Speak List text function via right-click.
Basic instructions: 1.) Startup app. 2.) Under Text tab, enter in body of text. 3.) Select pull down menu in upper right for Split Type (e.g. Both). 4.) Select pull down menu in upper right for Font Size (e.g. 16). 5.) Change to List tab. Click a list item of text to change focus. 6.) Right-click a list item to Copy the text to clipboard. 7.) Right-click a list item to Speak the selected text.