This app does not only do Inventory Management management of your store but also helps you to gain business insights of your store.
1. This app helps you to keep track of money to be taken from respective customer or to be given to the respective supplier.
2. This app let you know the new customers entered in your store last month. This will help you to take feedback from your new customers on the phone or to give offer to them, which inturn will show the good welcome to the customer.
3. You can also keep track of customers who had not visited your store since a month. You can call out this customer and know the reason of not coming to your store.
4. Through AI and Machine Learning model, we calculate consumption rate of the product and predict, when the product will get empty/deficient in your store. This will help you to purchase the product on time.
5. This App can help you in, purchasing the correct quantity of the product from supplier, by predicting consumption rate of the product. This will reduce unnecessary purchase from supplier, which inturn will reduce space consumption of your shop and chances of having dead stock.