Dots, also known as Dots-and-Dashes, Dots and Boxes, Square-it, or the Dots Game, is a classic pen and paper game where two opponents take turns connecting dots through lines to form 4-sided boxes. Each player who completes the fourth side of a 1x1 box earns one point and takes another turn. The opponent with more boxes at the end of the game wins.
Each match takes few minutes, making this game ideal to play when you have short breaks of free time.
This version of Dots is great for beginners, with simple animations and tutorials, but also has a very strong AI, that will challenge the most advanced players.
If you are looking for a fun game, no matter your level, try it out!
COOL FEATURES: * Play vs a friend or vs the Phone * Online high scores * Three graphic themes * Set up your player letter * 4 levels of difficulty (easy to very hard) * Always fun, as the phone changes moves every game * Unlimited undo * Also available on Windows Phone
Upgrade to the Premium version for a larger play area and no ads.
- v1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.5b: bug fixes - v1.2 brings minor graphic fixes