**** The FASTEST app to convert units. Type a few letters and the units appear automatically !
Convert temperature, distance, area, weight, currencies and many, many more !
- Thousands of unit conversions - 'Smart-search' to find the unit you need - 'One-click' to select units - High precision: up to 10 decimals - Hundreds of currency values, updated daily - Calculator included with +,-,*,/ - Preview results as you type the amount - Swap units with one click - High resolution graphics - Change the graphics: modern, classic, engineering - Save your favorite units automatically for super-fast use [paid]
- Works great on snap screen mode (snap to the left hand side of the screen) - Accepts keyboard entry to type units and amounts - Quick resume: restores last values used - One-click copy results to clipboard - Automatic update currency values [paid] - High precision math, default to 4-decimals - Change from 0 to 10 decimals, you decide [paid] - Browse all the unit conversions available - Automatic pluralizing of the results - Paste amounts from the clipboard - Show equations for commonly used units - Understands cultural differences in the use of '.' and ',' - Very fast, trims unit results for fastest performance
The paid version adds auto-currency update, modify number of decimals, saves favorite units, change screen colors, and removes ads.
The free version has ads.
- Acceleration - Angle - Area - Astronomical - Data (Computer) - Currency - Density - Digital Image - Distance (Length) - Electric Charge - Electric Resistance - Energy - Flow - Flow (Mole) - Flow (Mass) - Fuel efficiency - Force - Frequency - Illuminance - Power - Pressure - Sound - Speed - Temperature - Time - Torque - Volume - Volume (Dry) - Weight (Mass)
Converting units made fun!
Also available on Windows Phone. v1.11- several new currencies, UI and bug fixes v1.9-new currencies (MGA, VND, ZMW and others), fuel consumption/efficiency conversions, bug fixes v1.6-1.7-Improved UI, fixed Flags, Fixed Force conversions, added Megabit/Gigabit v1.5 - hundreds of new units, Currency Flags, UI fixes