This application calculate the bearing and distance between to position (LAT/LON) both as a line on a sphere and as a Rhumb line on a Mercator projection.
There are two pages. One that calculate the bIn the page that calculate bearing and distance from coordinate sets, the LAT/LON can be given in most formats. - For signed decimal degree, type in only the degree fields. For non-signed decimal degree, type in the degree fields and the N/S and E/W. - For degree and decimal minutes, type in the degree and minutes fields and the N/S and E/W. - For degree, minutes and decimal seconds, type in the degree, minutes and seconds fields and the N/S and E/W.earing and distance given by coordinate sets, and one that gives the bearing distance from two position on maps.
The page that calculate bearing and distance form map position, uses Bing Offline Maps, so be sure to have downloaded the area of interest. The position is taken from the center of the red cross.