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Keep yourself updated with the latest American News, talk shows, health, entertainment news, sports, technology, political and finance reports from all over the world. Watch News Pro app allows you to get breaking top stories and weather highlights on your mobile screen. Stay up to date with happenings & events around you.
Bookmark your favorite News and watch on a single tap. As a Pro service, we don't sell ads on our screens. Crisp and fast speed ensure you quick loading of videos. With Casting enabled on all players, you can cast News on larger screens such as Smart TV and casting enabled displays. Watch News Pro will stay you informed with 24/7 live updates, original US broadcast, and world news.
Simple and clean UI, which makes easy navigation, one-tap loading, and screencasting, are the unique features that you will not find in any other US news android app. Our team is working on more features to enhance your experience. Stay connected with the world of News by installing this must-open app.
One home screen with all features for quick access makes everything simple. Favorites screen can help you to bookmark popular stories. The profile page makes it easy to manage your profile and settings. All in one great app - best source for latest News.