This app allows you to view and search the Tampa/Hillsborough County Public Library's collection of photos of the Tampa, Florida area photographed by the Burgert Brothers Photography Company from the early 1900s until 1970 (with their copies of images dating back to 1846). The collection has 14,228 images. While viewing an image, you may download a copy or share it via email. You navigate the app by using the tabs at the top: Main, Photo, Search, Slide Show.
Another option is to view a slide show of the images. While viewing the slide show, you may again download a copy or share an image via email.
To search the entire collection for a word or a phrase (not a collection of words), you simply enter the phrase in the search box.
Finally, you may contact the library to purchase an enlarged copy of an image by pressing the Order button. All the purchase price goes to the library and none to the author of this app. Enjoy the collection. It is a wonderful collection and a window on times past.
Contact: [email protected]