Snímky obrazovky:
Machine Learning Investment Manager-MLIM.
Research Stock prices and patterns using the latest *Artificial Intelligence models and Machine Learning. Using Bespoke models algorithms and techniques together with Microsoft ML.NET technologies allows the user to fully research any stock (currently US markets) with a high degree of accuracy.
*Access Live and Historical Stock data for any US ticker,learn key indicators of movement for all in a variety of advanced techniques that you can choose to suit your needs.
Limited support for this free trial version is available on the website and via email.
All advanced AI models have been disable for this free trial version.All models are available in the full paid version.
*Data bandwidth is limited for the free version.A free personal key can be gained enabling personal free bandwidth (almost unlimited)-available through the App menu.
This App is to be used for educational and research use only.The Author of this software is not legally responsible for any other uses.