Meshman 3D Viewer is a great app to view and convert 3D model files: STL, OBJ, 3DS, DAE, DXF, DWG, FBX, PLY, OFF.
Main Features:
- Open & Export files from formats: * STL (Stereolithography, supports ASCII & Binary) * PLY (Polygon file format, supports ASCII & Binary) * OBJ (Wavefront format) * 3DS (3D Studio format) * DAE (COLLADA file format) * OFF (Object file format) * DXF (AutoCAD format, supports ASCII & Binary)
- Open (only) files from: * DWG (AutoCAD format) * FBX (Autodesk Filmbox format)
- Load from a ZIP file a model file. - Batch export files from one format to another. - Can load large models, as big as 1 GB. - Measure distance between points within your model. - Graphic operations for Rotating, panning, zooming. - View your model in Orthogonal or Perspective mode. - Obtain info on the model: triangle count, bounding box, area, volume. - Set up rendering options: faces, edges, points, transparency. - Render using a clipping plane (useful for viewing interiors). - Open multiple files, view in fullscreen.
Please contact us for support, questions, feature request or any other inquiry. [email protected]