######## Learn Ruby Programming ########
This app contains tutorials and reports for the all who want to learn Ruby . They can learn easily from this application.
Following Chapters included in this Application:
#1 Getting started with Ruby Language #2 Casting (type conversion) #3 Operators #4 Variable Scope and Visibility #5 Environment Variables #6 Constants #7 Special Constants in Ruby #8 Comments #9 Arrays #10 Multidimensional Arrays #11 Strings #12 DateTime #13 Time #14 Numbers #15 Symbols #16 Comparable #17 Control Flow #18 Methods #19 Hashes #20 Blocks and Procs and Lambdas #21 Iteration #22 Exceptions #23 Enumerators #24 Enumerable in Ruby #25 Classes #26 Inheritance #27 method_missing #28 Regular Expressions and Regex Based Operations #29 File and I/O Operations #30 Ruby Access Modifiers #31 Design Patterns and Idioms in Ruby #32 Loading Source Files #33 Thread #34 Range #35 Modules #36 Introspection in Ruby #37 Monkey Patching in Ruby #38 Recursion in Ruby #39 Splat operator (*) #40 JSON with Ruby #41 Pure RSpec JSON API testing #42 Gem Creation/Management #43 rbenv #44 Gem Usage #45 Singleton Class #46 Queue #47 Destructuring #48 Struct #49 Metaprogramming #50 Dynamic Evaluation #51 instance_eval #52 Message Passing #53 Keyword Arguments #54 Truthiness #55 Implicit Receivers and Understanding Self #56 Introspection #57 Refinements #58 Catching Exceptions with Begin / Rescue #59 Command Line Apps #60 IRB #61 ERB #62 Generate a random number #63 Getting started with Hanami #64 OptionParser #65 Operating System or Shell commands #66 C Extensions #67 Debugging #68 Ruby Version Manager