A handy paint conversion chart for kit modelers. Displays conversions between Humbrol, Revell, ModelMaster/Testors, Tamiya and Vallejo paints and correspondence of Humbrol to US Federal Standard colors. Allows searching by name or by code and filtering of the model paints.
Version history:
What's new in Release 15: - Updated for Windows Fall Creator update with new navigation control
What's new in Release 14: - Added latest Humbrol paints - Added link to AppStretch page for feature requests
What's new in Release 13: - Redesigned the UI of the Windows 10 app, added color picker page - Minor fixes
What's new in Release 12: - Added accuracy filter to show only matches with accuracy of 3 and greater
Release 11: - Fixed the accuracy slider on the color match page to go from low accuracy (more matching paints) to high accuracy (less matching paints) - (Windows 8.1 version) Added a color picker to the color match page in addition to the camera capture - Added Application Insights to help track which features of the app are most used
Release 10: - Added Citadel paints (old and new range)
Release 9: - Added Gunze Sangyo Mr.Color
Release 8: - Added Gunze Sangyo Aqueous
Release 7: - Added Italeri Acrylics - Added functionality to switch front and back camera when capturing color
Release 6: - Added RLM colors - Added help page
Release 5: - Added Vallejo Air paints - Added Camera color matching - UI style redesign
Release 4: - Added RAL colors - Improvements to the search functionality - Paint details page can now cycle through all paints from the selected first paint brand
Release 3: - Added Testors, Tamiya and Vallejo paints - Updated UI for Windows 8.1
Release 2: - Added ModelMaster paints - Added in-app purchase to unlock full version, which allows access to non-Humbrol conversion tables (for example Revel -> ModelMaster) - Added a details page which displays all other paints corresponding to the selected one. - UI and bug fixes
AppStretch verification code: 3QCC8LG