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µSlideShow is the answer to your photo slideshow needs: create your own slideshow within seconds using this tiny, extremely simple, yet incredibly powerful app!
After opening the application, just drag and drop however many images and folders in the dedicated area. It will then list all the displayable items you dropped. If you drop any folders, it will automatically find all the pictures contained in them and in any of the inner subfolder.
After that, the ball is in your court: choose for how long you want each image to show, if you want to randomly shuffle through the list, and if you wish to have the slideshow repeating itself in a loop.
Finally, just press the Start button and enjoy the show! The slideshow will be displayed in full screen, but it can also be displayed as a window: hit [ENTER] to toggle between full screen or windowed mode, as you prefer. You can stop the slideshow at any time from the Stop button in the main window, or by closing the slideshow window when it is not in full screen mode.
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