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I found that the new online YNAB was missing a Windows 10 Mobile app, so I decided to write a UWP app for myself and partner to use. This works on both Windows 10 and Windows 10 Mobile as well as Continuum. This is my unofficial third party client for nYNAB. Currently views your budgets and transactions as well as add/modify/delete transactions, you can also add/move/remove money between categories, I hope to continue to add more functionality over time, there is a link to the Feedback app you can use to give feedback on what functionality you would like to see. You can also pin a secondary tile to the start screen for quick transaction entry. Application trial is 14 days after which if you still wish to use the application you will need to purchase it.
Note: you need an active or trial account with www.youneedabudget.com to use.