Audio book maker - is a freeware text-to-speech software which read texts by human voice (text-to-speech player). It uses text-to-speech engines installed on your computer. Audio Book Creator has helped thousands of Students, Writers, Researchers, commuters, runners to use their time effectively and to read better, faster, easier. Audio Book Creator also helps students learn to pronounce foreign languages (English, Spanish, German etc., ) correctly. Listening to the class notes or material on the computer will enable you to learn faster. By converting text into audio usable in Mp3 players, you can learn any time anywhere. You can even study when you are running or walking or driving. A study conducted at UCI by MBA students found, by listening to the cases 3 times during driving in one hour produced better grades than reading the paper cases for 4 hours. Features: - Aloud text reading by different voices (and on different languages). - Converting text to audio files with high speed. So you can create audio files and listen anywhere. - Adjustable speech parameters: speed, pitch, volume**. - Automatic text scrolling to make text in current reading position visible ("speech following"). Spoken text also can be highlighted with any color while reading. - Page Filtering for saving audiobook - Converts Web pages, word, PDF documents to Audio for use with CD/MP3 player. - Talks docs, pngs,jpgs, word, PDF documents Out Aloud.